Monday, April 23, 2007

I've Been Tagged!

Egads! I have no idea what to do here, and I'll probably re tag people, I seriously don't have that many blog friends that haven't already been tagged lol. And thanks Marelle :-D

Ok I have to share 7 things about myself.

1. I was born in Kempsey, NSW. But please don't hold that against me.

2. I use to drive a Monorail.

3. Tomorrow is my 8th wedding anniversary and I married my High School sweetheart Gavin. We have 2 beautiful children.

4. My son is named after 2 horror characters.

5. I spend way too much time reading Harry Potter and Dr Who fanfiction.

6. I am way too obsessed with Dr Who.

7. And I'm so darn boring I can't think of a 7th.

Now who to tag, and if you've already been tagged then don't worry lol.

Dawn Lewis

Carol Dunstan

Ok how boring am I , I can only find and 1 had already been tagged. Can you double tag?lol

1 comment:

Marelle Taylor said...

LOL You're not boring!!
And Happy Anniversary :)